Towne View Baptist Church
in Kennesaw, GA
Tuesdays from 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Drop off for ages 13+
(We have space and Wifi if you prefer to stay) -
Simple structure - No membership fees or volunteer requirements
You work directly with your child's instructors
Hello. We're a small group of creative and passionate teachers with many years of experience in the classroom and working in the fields we teach. We created Freespace to fill the need for unique, rigorous, fascinating high school classes.
We understand the push and pull of homeschooling, and the challenges of navigating high school and beyond.
Quirky kids welcome
All four of us are parents of teens (sorry, young adults) who live and think outside the box. We GET kids who sometimes struggle to find their place. We are flexible, creative problem solvers who will work to include and accommodate students who are ADHD, on the autism spectrum, anxious, gifted, dyslexic/dysgraphic, or just Kind of a lot.